At the end of last year I had some experiences that led me to question if I was really in the right place. I can go into detail if anyone asks but for now I'll just leave it at that. I'm sure I'm not the only one whose curiosity was peaked; do tell!
Well my youngest sister was expecting her first child, the baby was due at the end of December. My sister lived across town from me and didn't have a car. So I was her ride to the hospital and also was going to be with her during the birth. So naturally December rolls around and she starts experiencing contractions. I kept telling her they were only braxton hicks but she wouldn't listen. So everytime she'd get them she'd call me and I would take her to the hospital. Naturaly in the evening and even the middle of the night.
Needless to say I was missing tons of meetings and not going out in field service. The elders were calling to find out why I was missing so many meetings. I explained the situation and I was told this was just Satan's why of distracting me and I should think of it as being spiritually raped. That did not sit well with me at all. I couldn't understand why they would tell me to basically abandon my sister in her time of need and why on earth I should think of missing meetings as being raped.
So I just ignored then because there was no way I was going to not take my sister to the hospital just so I could go to meeting. On the 26th of December I took my sister to the hospital and this time it was for real and my nephew was born on the 27th. Unfortunately my sister and the baby had a rough time. My nephew, although full term ended up in the NICU. My sister had her husband were so upset. I stayed with my sister everyday to be with her and to go with her when she would visit the baby.
My sister was discharged from the hospital but the baby had to stay for another week. It was awful leaving that hospital without him. And I took my sister everyday back to the hospital so she could be with him. A few days after being released my sister spiked a temperature and I took her to the ER, she was hospitalized with a fever. She was only there a couple days and then she was released. The elders had called me during this time to see why I still wasn't at meetings and I explained the whole situation. It completely fell on deaf ears. I just couldn't understand why they were so uncaring. Even if they didn't care for my sister cause she was a non-JW why didn't they care anything for the baby who was ill?
One evening on the drive home from the NICU the car was silent, no one was happy about the situation and we all just wanted the baby to come home. I was thinking a lot to about what the elders had said and how I could make up the time at meetings I had lost when all of a sudden this wave of emotion hit me and I realized I don't want to do this anymore. I just didn't want to be a JW anymore and I really didn't know why except that it no longer felt right.
I kept this thought to myself though. 2 weeks after my nephew was born he was finally released from the hospital. But only 2 days after he went home my sister became very ill. She had gotten an infection from the birth and was re-hospitalized. Her husband had to work, so I kept the baby with me so he could work and be with my sister. So now I had a brand new baby, on top of my own three, to care for. And still my explanations and pleas with the elders fell on deaf ears. No one came to see if they could be of any assistance, no one cared at all. I had the baby for a week before my sister was released and ok to go home.
After that my mind was firmly made up to never go back, and I never did. So that is basically how I got out of the Org. Oh, and my sister and nephew are both perfectly healthy now and my nephew is the sweetest, happiest baby boy you ever did see.